Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Longest Yard of My Life

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      Sleep was impossible that night. Over and over again my memories played out the horrific scenes that I had recently experienced. It was the taunting fans who bore the red "U" with their unmerciful team of football players that decimated my blue colored team early that evening. These thoughts flooded my head and sleep was not an option for me that night.
      Football is perhaps the only sport that can fully grab my attention without interruption. My anticipation for my first college game that I would attend that evening was overwhelming. I made it to the stadium far earlier than necessary, making sure that not a minute would pass of the game without me.
      The game started with a quick fumble and score by the rivals. I should of saw it early, but  I hoped for the best because this play foreshadowed the rest of the game. It became increasingly difficult to cheer as the red colored team showed no compassion on the football field. The fans tried earnestly to praise their broken blue team, but found a safer option by exiting the stadium before the end of the massacre that was currently taking place. I compared the crowds flight out of the stadium to that exodus experienced by the children of Israel fleeing Egypt, certainly relief came to them and us as we fled.
      It was the longest walk of my life home. What happened? Why? How could they? Grief, that was the simplest way to put it for me. The thoughts would not remove from my mind that entire night. Play by play came and went with review in my head, with the same questions being asked, but never expected to be answered. However, one questions I finally understood! The reason why the jerseys of the Utah players were a lot brighter red than normal that evening.

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