Sunday, October 2, 2011

Boyd K. Packer: Wisdom of an Old Crow

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     The 2011 October General Conference from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was filled with authoritative messages of faith, hope, and love. All stood out as inspirational, but one talk in particular given by Elder Packer, seemed to be most applicable to me. His position as a leader in the church gives him the necessary ethos to appeal to the youth, the ongoing dangers they should avoid, and how to become better.
     Immediately, as he begins his talk he compliments the youth by referring to them as "precious beyond measure". This establishes almost immediate trust from the youth as they feel the warming comfort of his words.  He also appeals to the youth through a humorous poem that not only draws on the emotion of the audience, but also uses logic when he informs us that he is old and experienced with wisdom to impart. In this the youth are called out and drawn into attention. 
     Elder Packer refers to the dangers of the current situation of the world as "enemy territory". This can be a startling way to view things which emotionally can upset many, but it is an inevitable truth that many can logically see. He talks of immodestly and refers to the power of procreation as something not to be abused. He also refers to some of our associations that we can do without. He boldly forewarns which is not always pleasant, but clearly the youth can follow his words because of his age and influence as an apostle.  
     His talk concerns how to be better as we become more aware of our errors as quoted "You will not make a major mistake without first being warned by the spirit".  This is comforting, that the spirit will first warn. He also counsels that all hold a key that can unlock that door that can help us be washed clean through the atonement. This gives the youth a sense of hope, that calls upon pathos. 
    The youth and all can relate to Elder Packer due to his experience and ethos as an apostle as he teaches the youth concerning the danger of the world and how to over come it. He draws a lot of pathos as he expresses the loving opportunity to become better that God has given us. With strong concluding words he advises all to "Hold fast to your life". 

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