Sunday, December 4, 2011

Evaluative Conclusion

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I have finally completed my 20 entries for my blog. I’ve never kept a blog or for that matter a very stable journal. Yet, this has been kind of a rewarding experience because I get to write about anything and people get to view my thoughts and stories. I’m glad I can officially say I’ve blogged about something.
The hardest part of doing these blogs was meeting the deadlines, which was mainly due to procrastination. However, it was also difficult to come up with something to write about. I’d always feel the need to blog about something, but it never effectively came together. I was surprised to find myself writing about certain topics that I hadn’t considered, such as the Mardi Gras blog and the boy scout blog.
The best part of blogging was just writing what I wanted to have heard by others. It was also fun reflecting back on several experiences, which made me laugh most the time. It was also fun to comment on other blogs from other students because I could agree or disagree with what they had to say.
Overall, it helped me appreciate the process of writing that I’ve neglected over the years. Keeping a blog allows the writer an opportunity to put their thoughts and feelings down. With a blog it invokes an unlimited opportunity to be heard.

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