Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Power of A Super Hero

page 12

     After two hours of explosions mixed with impossible odds, I came out of the theater wondering what made the super hero great in the movie. Was it the cool costume? Maybe it was possibly the epic villain they managed to defeat? Regardless, heroes have existed throughout history. Real figures in time such as Alexander the Great to fictitious heroes like Hercules. Even today firefighters, police officers, teachers, or parents can be considered a hero in someones eyes. How do they obtain glory to the point of persuasion and what value of influence can a hero have?
     I believe all heroes start out with a glories action that sets them apart. In the film I watched, the hero storm a Nazi prison camp liberating hundreds of soldiers. However, this action can be as simple as the enduring love a parent can give a child. It can go as far as the soldiers that fight in Iraq to the men and women who shuttle off to space. This glorious acts make such a profound impact to the intended audience that a very powerful ethos is developed for this hero shortly after.
     What value of influence do these people have over others? Whenever I hear on the news about some young kid or church that organized a fundraiser that helped 500 homeless people enjoy a Christmas meal, it not only brightens my day, but it helps me realize that I can do better to serve. The impact of heroes draws on the logos of all. Who doesn't want a better, peaceful, world without war and hate? When I see news reports like that I always find myself thinking logically, "If they can do their part, why can't I"?
     Heroes are all around us, they are shaping our world through their acts of bravery and kindness which sets an example for the rest of us. They are set apart by their actions and have true influence over others. A hero doesn't need to swing from buildings to stop a bank robbery, or dress in an elaborate costume to conflict evil, but someone who works to help and change someones life for the better is a true hero.

1 comment:

  1. Heroes are the best! Especially real life heroes haha. Did you happen to watch Captain America? I saw that recently and I loved it.
